600mm tele from the far side of the fairground race track
Trees turning .. waiting till late in the day with a clear sky the sun contributes to the orange glow #risingpark
Trying to use a small aperture for a star burst but everything was orange.. this is the best shot I got of these pups #risingpark
A candid shot of pals hanging out #risingpark
There were ghost to the south of the city #risingpark
The sky was super, gotta take some pics for some other park dwellers n off to the store #risingpark
Oct 27th
A bunch of kids, I wanted to get a pic of em with the log but only one hung around a couple seconds too long n there was a Kookie attack :) #risingpark
A nice group of park dwellers let me take a pic of em on the log that fell across the path #risingpark
These guys were from Columbus, first time here and I gotta do a couple pics of em.. #risingpark
A bit too much color saturation on this one, the other was pretty good #risingpark
Great sun flare in this one. A couple pups that live in my neck of the woods #risingpark
After doing the sun behind em, I turned em around facing the sun, just as it goes down there is a orange glow on faces #risingpark
Talking 2 myself out loud, Kookie snoozing on the couch.
After finding myself alone in 2010, here on Mt P is the place I find contact with the humans.. just talk a few minutes but..
I hoped I might find a pal who likes photography n pups, just something in common.
I hoped 2017 would be a lucky year n TheMick popped up a couple times n talked to me.
Of course anyone who pets Kookie is an instant friend.
Great to go to the park when someone I kind of know shows up n lets me do pics.
Now my 'magic year' is gonna be 2020.. gonna do all the pics and make a park video.
Would also like to get someone to go to Hocking Hills to do pics of..
I wanted to do a sunrise over Mt P but it comes up behind the trees so I did a sunset pic, reversed it and made a make believe sunrise video... Here comes the sun :)
A little ray of sun it was when they appeared at the top of the trail. "sunrise video.. well Here)
Hoping for a model to capture some clips to paste a 2020 video together.. n go to Hocking Hills for some shots.
My daydream machine is always on, thinking about some great shots I would like to capture. Thinking 2020, might not be able to make in 2024.. the year of the big eclipse to come.
Feeling kind of bad for a couple of days, havent seen any humans but after a looooong nap, I am feeling froggy, to late to drive to the park, so I am jotting these thoughts ..
Oct 20th
As soon as me n Kookie hit the top we saw some of em out on the rock and did a silhouette #risingpark
Four pals out on the rock let me capture their sunset #risingpark
Didn't go for a sunset here, it was a nice scene .. #risingpark
During the daylight this is a hard shot because of backlighting but this time just b4 sunset and a powerful flash.. it captures the city below n pups sharing their snacks on the rock #risingpark
Kookie had this pumpkin in a bear hug but she was saved when there were two dogs coming.. a very good girl, has pups too :) #risingpark
Saw these kids n gotta add em just in time to capture the sun #risingpark
Oct 15th
As soon as me n Kookie reached the top, saw this girl n her Pup .. might be the last super nice day for a bit... n she said I could add em to my blog .. #risingpark :)
Oct 12
On the way up I saw these guys goofing off
The first pals I saw when at the top, did pics with my camera n mine #risingpark
I took this pic with the tripod and remote, I knew the lighting would be off but wanted to get a good one during the fair #risingpark

I saw these pals n asked if they wanted to do a pic together, did a couple with their camera n I got one to add to the photo album .. then the girl asked if that was Kookie, she is one of her fb pals :) #risingpark
I tell everyone Kookie is a slobber monster .. one of her fb pals #risingpark
Slobber attack #risingpark
Saw this guy gazing at the horizon n asked em for a pic #risingpark
A couple other kids that really liked Kookie after warning em ... #risingpark
Kookie making friends #risingpark
I went up with the tripod, I wanted a pic with the fair in the background with me n Kookie.. instead of using the tripod I got the pups to take pics for me :)#risingpark
Girl taking a pic of her boyfriend.. I am guessing :) #risingpark
Oct 11
On the way up these guys really liked Kookie and she was all over em.. #risingpark
First I got a candid shot of these guys then asked em to stand up so I could include the fair. #risingpark
Three pals having something to eat n let me add em to the album #risingpark
Date night friday night at the fair :) #risingpark
Should have taken another pic n turned the flash down a bit but a pretty good shot with the fair n the background #risingpark
These guys took a pic of me n Kookie .. she tried to hold em .. the monster #risingpark
Friday night, last chance to get a pic of me n Kookie didnt have the tripod so I asked some kids.. #risingpark
Oct 10
First couple that let me add em to my Mt P album
Oh .. if I would remember anything it would be a cute girl who talked to me, but nope Just took a pic of this one a couple weeks ago n she reminded me.
Going to the fair said she.. a fun thought but going to places alone ugh n the Kookie Monster is a social klutz like me
The only thing as cute as a girl n a pup, would be a girl n a baby elephant #risingpark
Have fun pumpkin
I tried to get a natural light pic of Christina n low light but a big blur, wanted to get a pic of her n her pal n their cameras.. so then I thought quick flash shot.. I had it up on full power and turned em into ghost.. this pic
When I goof n wanna keep the thought I pretend I created it for a modern art pic :) #risingpark

I saw these guys n thought good sitting on the big rock with the fair n the back ground #risingpark
An iconic image of the park dwellers #risingpark
Tractor pull, I set up in the wrong spot because of the tree.. never got any great shots but... #risingpark
City lights from Mt P #risingpark
.Oct 8th
First cool day of the fall, me n Kookie went to HH #old-mans-cave
I got several candid shots of these pals #old-mans-cave
Couple that let me capture their crazy cat on the trail #old-mans-cave
Shadow of an old guy in a jeep taking his pup to the park at harvest time :)#risingpark
I love this pic, a mom n her new baby sitting on Mt P with the golden sun ... wanted to do another one but someone started talking to me n I couldn't get back to do a sunset shot... another little pumpkin .. #risingpark