The camera sitting on a rock a bit tilted. I reversed the video n called it a sun rise :)
I hoped I might meet someone else who loved photography. This girl came out n let me photograph her a couple times, so cool because I usually just had total strangers to ask.
It was 7 years after I lost my wife n started bringing my pup and taking pics of people in the park. I hoped 2017 would be something special but it was not to be.
This is the last sunset I videoed from Mt P. Just b4 the sun set a plane flew over the sun and another came from behind it.
The perfect video but I was alone and thought it would be the last time I stood here, listening to the chirping voices n watching park dwellers look out over our turf .. soaking it in.
Thanks to the times I had to look forward to and the times I will remember :)
The first video I captured was the first snow day in 2012 with my sidekick PuppyDog. Walking by the pond some kids was talking to her n I asked em if they were afraid of big dogs.
They said no and I turned her loose to capture the clip.
They had their faces covered up so I never saw em but a few years later one of em commented to me about PuppyDog :)